Why content writing matters in the digital age

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard on a desk

It’s a cliché to say that content is king. It’s also a lie: Content is God! Living in the digital world today, content writing matters more than ever. online consumers expect high-quality, consistent content from brands. The mediums may have changed but the core is still the same: good content trumps everything.Whether you like it or not, businesses that don’t focus on content marketing are at a serious disadvantage.

Why, though?

There are many reasons content writing is important. Attractive content can improve your brand’s visibility and revenue. David Ogilvy’s Guinness Guide to Oysters campaign is proof: The copy is fantastic and the idea to pair beer with oysters means that you don’t even realise that they’re selling you Guinness. Even today, it still holds up. It’s a work of art.

White grid divided by rope border, each square containing an oyster and a block of text underneath
Credit: Ogilvy

Today, most customers live on the internet. If you picture your business as a store, you want them to flock to your doors. Content writing is one way to do that. It’s an important aspect of any SEO campaign, using specific keywords and phrases to grab people’s attention and nudging search engines to boost your website’s visibility in their results pages.

All of this is to say, you need content writing.

What is effective content writing?

If you can keep your finger on the pulse of what they want, you’ll be well on your way to creating truly effective content.

But it’s not enough just to know what they want. You also need to be able to capture their attention and hold it.

That’s where engaging, interesting writing comes in. The key to great content writing is always keeping your audience at the forefront of your mind. Ogilvy, who worked at George Gallup’s Audience Research Institute in New Jersey, understood that the secret to good copywriting is to keep your audience in mind at all times.

There are other ways to use content writing to boost your company over the competition.

Getting your website linked from other esteemed websites

If you can produce content that grabs the attention of other reputable websites, they will share it with their network and it will spread. Cartoonist Matthew Inman boosted traffic to his website The Oatmeal by getting his comics regularly featured on the front page of Digg.

Maybe you’re not a cartoonist creating quirky comics. But the principle applies. Quality content gets noticed. If you regularly push out content that people like, they will help to spread the word.

Creating compelling and original content is also key to drawing in readers and getting them to link to your site. With a little effort, you can increase the traffic to your website exponentially.

Written content helps in search engine optimisation

Content writers create the text that appears on websites, social media, and other online platforms. This helps to improve search engine optimisation (SEO) for your website. There are different ways to use SEO to boost traffic, but suffice it to say, you can’t just stick keywords on to a web page and hope search engines will index it. (Hint: they won’t.)

In addition, fresh and engaging content helps to keep visitors on the site longer, which also signals to search engines that the site is active and relevant. This is an important factor that sometimes gets left out of the conversation.

Every day, hundreds upon thousands of websites and social media channels pop into existence. Trying to get attention in the online sphere is like trying to be heard in a stadium full of raucous fans also vying for attention. It is an uphill battle.

Posting content regularly sends a signal to the search engines and to visitors: Here is a website that is active. If the internet could think, it would think your site is useful and deserves to be given more prominence. People will return to your site to see what is new. The search engine will keep you in mind when you upload content.

Therefore, content writing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy and it should be given careful consideration in order to maximise a website’s SEO potential.

Content writing is cost-effective for digital marketing

Digital marketing is a favourable way to attract attention because it’s quite cost-effective versus, say, a billboard. For a fraction of the cost of a billboard (no offence to billboards), you can entice readers to check out your products and services by way of good content writing. After all, there’s no point in spending money on ads if your website doesn’t offer visitors anything worth reading.

Good content will always be shared

If it’s good, people will want to share it. Your words have the power to reach a wide audience and make a real impact. So don’t skimp on the quality of your content – it’s worth the investment!

If you want to improve your digital marketing, you need great content writing. Without it, you will get lost in the noise. It’s a tried-and-tested method of converting visitors into customers and boosting your SEO ranking. If you’re convinced that you need content writing, get in touch with us. We’ll help you to improve your efforts with creative and engaging content.

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